Gates Cambridge University Scholarships 2024-25 in UK (Fully Funded)

Are you interested in the Gates Cambridge University Scholarships? This is your opportunity to explore your dream of studying in the UK’s prestigious institution with international scholarships.

The Gates Cambridge Scholarships for the 2024-25 academic year offer exceptional opportunities for students with outstanding intellectual abilities passionate about positively impacting society. The renowned Gates Cambridge Trust hosts this prestigious scholarship at the University of Cambridge. It is known for its commitment to nurturing a global community of future leaders dedicated to creating a more promising and improved world. Scholars at Gates Cambridge engage in diverse discussions and research on topics ranging from innovation and challenges to their solutions. Therefore, the Gates Cambridge Trust scholarship recipients in the United Kingdom also actively contribute to the university’s overarching mission of advancing societal well-being.

Initiated by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000, the Gates Cambridge scholarship program has consistently produced influential individuals who have left their mark across various domains worldwide. Gates postgraduates have demonstrated excellence in science, technology, arts, music, and human rights. This remarkable success can be attributed to the unparalleled academic resources and opportunities afforded postgraduate scholars through the Bill and Melinda Gates Scholarship at the University of Cambridge.

Cambridge University’s premier scholarship program offers 80 scholarships to international postgraduate students pursuing master’s or PhD degrees in the United Kingdom. Nearly one-third of this cohort of Gates Scholars are dedicated to doctoral studies. Furthermore, this fully-funded opportunity at the UK’s preeminent institution is a gathering point for exceptionally talented and adept students, forming a vibrant community of Gates Scholars. This network extends its reach well into the future, fostering enduring personal and professional relationships. Consequently, the extensive alumni network has extended worldwide influence, acting as Cambridge’s ambassador in supporting communities through collaborative efforts and innovative initiatives.

The Gates Scholarship is the largest donation ever received by a UK university. The Gates Foundation’s unwavering commitment to combating global poverty, disease, and inequality has generously contributed a staggering US $120 million to this comprehensive scholarship program. This substantial investment underscores the organization’s dedication to advancing equality on a global scale. The fully-funded international scholarship opportunity in the UK for international students serves as a launchpad for exceptional and talented individuals, allowing them to step into one of the world’s most prestigious universities without being encumbered by financial constraints. To ensure a successful application for this Cambridge scholarship, follow the instructions below.

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Gates Cambridge University Scholarships

Gates Cambridge University Scholarships 2024-25 in the United Kingdom:

Host Country:

  • United Kingdom

Host University:

  • University of Cambridge

Degree Level:

  • PhD
  • MSc/MLitt
  • One-year postgraduate course

Number of Scholarships:

  • 80 full-cost scholarships

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Benefits of the Gates Cambridge University Scholarships 2024-25:

Recipients of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship 2024-25 can enjoy a comprehensive package of benefits:

  1. Full Coverage of Study Costs:

The scholarship covers the entirety of the study costs.

2. Annual Maintenance Allowance:

Scholars receive an annual maintenance allowance of £20,000.

3. Visa Expenses:

The scholarship includes coverage of visa expenses.

4. Economy Class One-Time Airfare:

Scholars are provided with a one-time economy class airfare.

5. Immigration Health Surcharge:

The cost of the Immigration Health Surcharge is covered.

6. Academic Development Funds:

Additional academic development funds ranging from £500 to £2,000 are available to attend conferences and other courses, with the exact amount dependent on the course duration.

7. Family Allowance:

Scholars with families receive a family allowance of up to £11,604 for one child and up to £16,548 for two or more children.

8. Coverage of Hardship Costs:

The scholarship also covers hardship costs or unexpected difficulties during study.

9. Fieldwork Allowance:

A fieldwork allowance is provided for scholars conducting fieldwork as part of their research.

10. Maternity/Paternity Funding:

Maternity and paternity funding is available to support scholars during parenthood.

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Gates Cambridge University Scholarships

Eligibility Criteria for the Gates Cambridge University Scholarships UK 2024-25:

To be eligible for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship for the academic year 2024-25, applicants must meet the following criteria:

1. Nationality:

All international graduates, except UK nationals, are eligible to apply.

2. Academic Excellence:

Applicants are required to have an outstanding academic background.

3. Supervisor Acceptance:

Applicants must have contacted a potential supervisor and received acceptance from them to pursue their research at the University of Cambridge.

4. Ability to Defend Course Choice:

Applicants should be prepared to articulate and defend their choice of course.

How to Apply for the Gates University Cambridge Scholarships UK 2024-25:

Applying for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship is a structured process, and here are the steps to follow:

1. Online Application:

Submit your application online through the University’s Graduate Application Portal.

2. Course and College Selection:

Select a course and college placement that aligns with your academic interests and career goals.

3. Personal and Academic Information:

Provide all necessary personal information, academic background details, and course plan as part of your application.

3. Funding Application:

Apply for funding through the designated funding section. You can explore various funding opportunities offered by the university and other organizations, including the Gates Cambridge Scholarship.

4. Multiple Course Applications:

You can apply for multiple courses if you wish, but each application for a different course must be submitted separately.

4. Early Application:

Be mindful that if a course reaches its capacity before the application deadline, it may be closed for further applications. Hence, applying as early as possible to secure your spot is advisable.

Required Documents for the Gates Cambridge University Scholarships:

1. Personal Statement:

A personal statement, limited to no more than 3,000 characters.

2. Research Proposal (PhD Candidates):

PhD candidates must submit a research proposal, even if the course or college application is not explicitly requested. This is a mandatory component of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship application.

3. Reference Letters:

Three reference letters are necessary for the application. One of these letters may be from a current employer if required.

Gates Cambridge University Scholarships Application Deadlines:

For international students:

  • The deadline varies depending on the course:
  • 5 December 2023 or
  • 4 January 2024

For US citizens:

  • The application deadline is 11 October 2023.



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