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Best Marine Biology Colleges in the US in 2024
Best Marine Biology Colleges in the US in 2024

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to explore the ocean’s mysteries and study its outstanding life? Marine biology is an exciting course for students who love the serenity of the sea and want to study marine life.

In 2024, there are the US Marine Biology Colleges you will never regret attending because of their exceptional marine programs. Let’s show you some of the schools!

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1. Scripps Institution of Oceanography -- UC San Diego

California, Scripps is one of the top-rated marine research centers in the US. The university’s local and international students have firsthand experience and access to world-class research facilities. The state-of-the-art coastal setting enhances learning and exploration.

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2. University of Miami

The University of Miami’s marine biology program at its  Rosenstiel School has been confirmed as one of the best in the US. Local and international students study coral reefs and aquatic conservation at the university.

3. Duke University

Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment’s marine biology program is exceptional. Its Duke Marine Lab allows local and international students to engage in significant research and community projects.

4. University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

UCSB focuses on marine science. The university’s Marine  Science Institute provides students with research resources. Its campus is located in a coastal area, making it a fantastic place for ambitious students to study marine ecosystems.

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5. Florida State University (FSU)

FSU offers an all-inclusive marine biology program. The university’s Coastal and Marine Laboratory gives students hands-on research opportunities.

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6. University of Washington

The University of Washington offers numerous academic programs, including marine biology programs. The university gives students access to the Puget Sound for field studies.

7. Oregon State University (OSU)

OSU is globally recognized for its exemplary marine studies program via the Hatfield Marine Science Center. Its Students engage in research on oceanography and fisheries.

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8. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

UNC-Chapel Hill’s marine biology program is among the best in the US and worldwide. The university’s Institute of Marine Sciences is renowned for excellence.